Breakthrough Natural Pain Pill From Japan Now Available For A Limited Time in The US Thanks to Senior Mania.

Approved by doctors nationwide, this breakthrough ingredient relieves joint stiffness, pain, and increases mobility without the dangerous side effects of most pain relievers

Eases Pain in Minutes

Patients are ecstatic for this incredible joint pain-reliever because it can ease pain in as little as 15 minutes and steadily improves mobility and relieves stiffness over the first 24 hours.

The active ingredient comes from a natural source that has been proven to reduce painful inflammation. There have been no major side effects in the history of this ingredient.

How This Revolutionary Ingredient Works

Researchers have recently discovered that as we age, our body produces enzymes that naturally increase inflammation and eat away at cartilage and joint material, this causes chronic pain as the joint degenerates and becomes inflamed.

The ingredient that has been proven to reverse this process is commonly known as BSE, an enzyme inhibitor extracted from a rare tree found in Asia this natural ingredient acts like a fire hose for burning inflammation in the body, which causes most of the pain you feel. It works by inhibiting the enzymes that cause inflammation, says Dr. Ralph La Guardia, a physician in Connecticut who specializes in geriatric care and pain management.

“It also works by replacing the joint material that is destroyed with age with brand new tissue that allows your joints to essentially ‘rewind the age clock’.” Dr. La Guardia has begun recommending Proflexoral to his patients and has seen the incredible results time and time again.

Studies Show Incredible Improvement in Joint Health

Studies have proven the effectiveness of this life-changing ingredient in recent years.

In one trial, 15 patients suffering from knee pain were given this ingredient, and 15 were given a placebo for 8 weeks.All patients receiving this powerful compound reported decreased joint pain, better flexibility, and every single one was able to increase their walking distance.

In another trial, 66 people suffering from stiffness and pain were either given a popular prescription drug or this natural ingredient. Then detailed measurements were taken for pain, degree of mobility and the ability to do common household chores, this breakthrough ingredient outperformed the popular prescription drug by 47% and users experienced no adverse side effects. The prescription drug takers often reported upset stomach and discomfort using the bathroom.

Plus the study showed that the people who took this compound experienced no decline of cartilage during the trial, which means that this shocking ingredient actual stopped the aging process in their joints and patients even had less pain and stiffness a full month after they stopped taking the active ingredient in Proflexoral. The effects of the ingredient are so powerful they keep working even when you’re not taking it. It’s so effective the makers of Proflexoral™ can barely keep it on shelves.

Now You Can Get This Amazing Joint Pain Relief For Just $39.99 With This Senior Mania Promotion!